This is default featured slide 1 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 2 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 3 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 4 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 5 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

how to import your friends` emails from facebook google plus and other chatting sites

Today i`m going to tell you how to import your all facebok , google plus, …..friends` email address to your address book.Some time we can`t get our friends` email address  from these chatting site.If our facebook or google plus account will disable we will loss our friends.But if we can get their email address we can chat with them forever.

There are few ways to import your email address (your friends`) from facebook,google plus,yahoo,live messenger , hot mail ,AOL,Comcast , Earhlink , , Lapaste , Verizon,…..

How to get more twitter followers in one day

Today   I’m going to tell you how to increase more  twiter followers in a little time. There are five ways  to increase more  twiter followers in a little time .  mainly there are too ways to get more twitter followers
1. Get  twitter followers  by spending  some money
2. Get twitter followers  FREE    

The best way to get twitter followers  from  twineds  . We can get lot of twitter followers   from  twiends  free or spending  some money.Twiends allow us to increase our twitter followers in little time.If we use to increase our twitter followers from twiends,we have to know some trips.I mean that If we want to get twitter followers FREE .
First loging your twitter account and go to (if you want to go to twiends click here).

big groups of facebook

do you want big groups on facebook?.There are more facebook groups that have over 100000 members .If you want to increase your friends you can join this large groups.But don`t share nude pictures or videos on that groups because facebook will disable your account.If you want to increase your facebook group members or increase your friends,comment this facebook comment will see 0ver 10,00000 visitors every day.

Best chatting over 800,000 members

plefind lover from every contrties
nice group

Find a 4n number from a girl or a boy Online
If you want to find hot girls` and boys` 4n numbers
E-mail address be a member
Really nice.Every time many people are chatting

Official Akhada 
Share your business expiriense and
chat online over 100 members any time

I Love You 
Lover`s best group
Any time share your ideas

How to increase facebook friends

Hi my friends!
After long time I`m going to tell you, How to increase your facebook friends.There are few ways to increase your facebook friends.
Add a nice picture as your profile picture.
many people like to beautiful /hot pictures.If you add a very colourful picture , you will be added by many people.
Add another over 10 pictures  of you.
Then they will add you as a friend and you can increase your facebook friends
Then people can believe that you are a real man because some people add actress`/actors` pictures for their profile pictures. Then they will add you as a friend and you can increase your facebook friends
Complete your all details about your self,your schools,your hobbies,…….. Then they will add you as a friend and you can increase your facebook friends