Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Atom

           Atom /molecular is the smallest part of  a element.element are something like threes,animals, metals,soil,rocks like this.All things are made by Atoms or moleculars.In pure element are made by only one type of atom.Impure element are made by two or more type of atoms(molecular).
Consider a Copper bar

              A Copper bar is made by copper(Cu) atoms.There are more number of copper atoms in a copper bar.You can see it as show fig. below

        What is molecular.Adding more than one atoms we called molecular.Ammonia(NH3) gas is a molecular.It is made by one Nitrogen atom and three hydrogen atoms as shown fig below.Ammonia is made by hydrogen and Nitrogen atoms.So we called it a molecular.

                Scientists say All things are made bu atoms.Also say that Ammonia is made by H and N atoms.But we can`t see atoms in a element.So how can we believe about this atoms.I`ll explain that.
               Chemistry is built by some assumption.First we show some thing.after we do some experiment and then we can get some result.Then Scientists try to explain how to occur this happen using result.When scientist  
are going to explain about atoms,molecular ....they assume lot of assumption because atoms can`t see our naked eye.So first they assume some assumptions and they build some assumptions like atoms.But we can`t believe is it correct?.But we can explain lot of happens around chemistry using these assumption.So we have to accept these assumption as a correct one.


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